Does anyone know the process for selecting the replacements for the 2 GBs that died? Have new ones been selected? Thanks!! \
does anyone know the process for selecting the replacements for the 2 gbs that died?
have new ones been selected?
Does anyone know the process for selecting the replacements for the 2 GBs that died? Have new ones been selected? Thanks!! \
forgive me if i sound rude or this question has been answered elsewhere, as i am a neophyte and discovered your site through google in my religious studies.
from reading the various posts it seems that this site serves nothing more than an iconoclastic purpose.
was your experience as jw's so traumatic that now you can but put forth such effort to daemonize the religion?
Here is a more specific definition for iconoclastic from More in line with what I believe Samuel is trying to say:
i·con·o·clast ( P ) Pronunciation Key ( n.
[French iconoclaste , from Medieval Greek eikonoklastsmasher of religious images : eikono- , icono- + Greek -klastbreaker (from Greek klto break).] i·con adj. i·con adv. Word History: An iconoclast can be unpleasant company, but at least the modern iconoclast only attacks such things as ideas and institutions |
are there any freemasons who post here?
if you don't want to add to the thread then feel free to pm me.. one of my close friends is a mason and has encouraged me to consider joining but everything i have known about the masons in the past has been negative - all bigoted jw speak.
from what i have researched they are a fraternity who hold near christian moral values and cannot understand the vitriol the witnesses hold for them.. i have also seen pictures of rutherford's grave in a masonic cemetary so cannot understand why they would aim such negativity against a group which their founder belonged to.. can anyone shed any light on this?
On the topic of are Freemasons from masonry origins: The literature and books I've read say yes. My grandfather came from a line of Freemasons and he agreed. Many Masonic symbols, rites and rituals involve instruments used by stone masons. Freemasons built some of the world's greatest, architecurally speaking, churches and because of their skills, they were in great demand. They would travel with their families and tradesmen to each building site and set up housing together. They were known for the high level of honor, quality work and order amongst themselves. The levels in the society encouraged betterment of self in all matters and success in society in the furtherment of the Freemasons belief system and world goals. If you want to see some of the symbols, buildings, garments, etc. Do a Google search for Freemanson images. These also link to some ligitimate sites.
are there any freemasons who post here?
if you don't want to add to the thread then feel free to pm me.. one of my close friends is a mason and has encouraged me to consider joining but everything i have known about the masons in the past has been negative - all bigoted jw speak.
from what i have researched they are a fraternity who hold near christian moral values and cannot understand the vitriol the witnesses hold for them.. i have also seen pictures of rutherford's grave in a masonic cemetary so cannot understand why they would aim such negativity against a group which their founder belonged to.. can anyone shed any light on this?
I just started reading a book titled Freemasons - Inside the World's Oldest Secret Society by H. Paul Jeffers. The author is not a Freemason so is impartial. A lot of history on the origins in medieval Europe through it's peak in America where lodges were first formed. There are 4-5 million Freemasons worldwide. The meaning of their symbols. The rites and rituals. Hierarchy and organizational structure - including rules for advancement. Conflict with major religious groups. Related women's groups. Myths and conspiracies like why is a Masonic symbol on American currency. Personally, I am surprised just how many famous and political men were and are Freemasons. 25 US presidents... Bill Gates, John Wayne, Sir Issac Newton. The list is immense. If you have access to this book, I would recommend. It's the most complete one on this topic I could find and has the documentation to support it.
i mentioned recently that i belong to a pro-jehovah's witness forum and how they were having internal problems requiring the lockdown of a thread for a 24 hour cooling period.
someone on the forum admitted that it caused their posting to drop.
now, they are beset with another problem.
sick of lies isn't gone after all! I hope this causes some distress for the WTBS, GB and the elders at his old KH. I am guessing the elders at his former KH are in a bit of trouble?? I just hope more and more questioning JWs and JWs that feel trapped put the effort forth to get out and find what a real life is. Every day I am more thankful for the new life I live.
Welcome, new girl. This is the most friendly and supportive site of it's type I've found. Hope you enjoy it as much as me!!
for me anyways.. i still have nightmares about demon attacks.
that was the one belief that really had a grip on me growing up.
i was terrified of demons and even thought i was being attacked one night for bringing home a toy with a pagan symbol (ying-yang) on it.
Thanks Daystar for the link!
hungary workers get shock at bottom of rum barrel.
budapest (reuters) - hungarian builders who drank their way to the bottom of a huge barrel of rum while renovating a house got a nasty surprise when a pickled corpse tumbled out of the empty barrel, a police magazine website reported.. according to online magazine, workers in szeged in the south of hungary tried to move the barrel after they had drained it, only to find it was surprisingly heavy and were shocked when the body of a naked man fell out.. the website said that the body of the man had been shipped back from jamaica 20 years ago by his wife in the barrel of rum in order to avoid the cost and paperwork of an official return.. according to the website, workers said the rum in the 300-liter barrel had a "special taste" so they even decanted a few bottles of the liquor to take home.. .
In North Carolina's Keys on a family reunion we did a Tour of Homes and Historic Sites. The graveyard was the most interesting. One little girl went overseas with her father against her mother's wishes. Mother did not want to go. Husband promised to bring the daughter back, no matter what. She was brought back, in a rum barrel filled with liquor and buried in the town's cemetery. The townsfolk in recent years had dug up the grave to verify the story and it was true. Parts of the barrel's metal was still in the ground. The town was pronounced bowman but it had a strange spelling. It was on the coast. So, it can happen though I doubt anyone drank of this brew. Story says she was well preserved - pickled perfect.
i'd say out of 10 elders, the average "sharp" ones are 2 or 3.
Rose - Go for it!!! Sounds like the planets are in the right position for you. Seriously, Spaghetti and meat sauce, a salad, premade garlic bread for the oven and a store bought dessert. Go easy on the meal - Maybe even a restaurant carry out. Good luck ! You will be renewing a friendship, and maybe more!
my study conductor is now sending me emails try to make me feel bad about leaving the study and the congregation.
in a way im sorta starting to feel withdrawl symptoms from leaving the congregation.. .
Quickly block his emails or DONT READ THEM. Change phone numbers or get caller ID. And most important of all, don't let the KH suffice for you - branch out before you are sucked back in and get support from all that is available on the Internet. Develop friendships and a life outside the org. Isolation will make you miss the KH and even tempt you to make due and be something you are not.